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Clinton House Hotel (site)

Formerly/Also Known As Byers's Tavern, Snyder's Tavern, Cracraft's Tavern, Kerr's Tavern, Gardner's Tavern, Bierer's Tavern, Springer's Tavern, Renshaw's Tavern, Winslow's Tavern, Wright's Tavern, Thornton's Tavern, Feather's Tavern

East Main Street
Uniontown, PA 15401

From Searight's The Old Pike (1894):

The Clinton House, which stood on a lot adjoining the old Court House, was a popular house throughout its whole career. It was demolished in 1890 by condemnation proceedings, and the lot on which it stood taken by the county for the use of the new Court House. It was erected in 1835 by the late Hon. Andrew Stewart, who occupied it as a private residence and kept his law office in it for a number of years. It was first kept as a tavern by Andrew Byers, and after him, from time to time, until its demolition, by Stephen W. Snyder, whose wife was a Risler, Zadoc Cracraft, Isaac Kerr, Jesse B. Gardner, John Bierer, Calvin Springer, Springer & Renshaw, Bernard Winslow, William Springer, Joseph Wright, J. R. Thornton, and James I. Feather. General Taylor stopped over night at the Clinton House in 1849, en route to Washington to assume the office of President of the United States. It was kept at that time by Andrew Byers.

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Last updated: 2014-04-04 20:45:51

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